Powhatan Homes
Powhatan homes were way different then our homes right now. Powhatan people built their homes out of saplings. They would stick the saplings into the ground and then bend and tie them at the top. Strong roots and stringy muscles can be used to tie them together. After that was done they would cover it with tree bark or mats that were made by women weaving reeds together. Instead of doors they also used mats, but if they left to go hunting they might put a big log or something big in front of the door to keep out bears and other wild animals. If it was hot outside they would take off some of the walls and leave the door open to let some air in. That would have been like us opening a window today. When they were building their house they would always leave a hole at the top. They did this so when they had a fire the smoke can escape. Every house would always have a fire going at all times. That was because they were afraid that if the fire stopped burning an evil spirit would visit them.
Powhatan people usually would build a wall outside their village, but no one knows why, it could have been to keep out enemy tribes and warriors, or just wild animals. Their homes were circular and they were built around a central plaza. Powhatans called their houses “longhouses,” which were made and owned by the women. Usually a few families lived in one longhouse. They usually digs lots of storage or burial pits. Some little houses though, were called smoking houses because they were used for smoking and storing meat. Smoking the meat would make it last longer. As you can see the Powhatan homes were very unique.
Powhatan Family Life
Powhatan family life was way different then the way we live today. Powhatan men could have more than one wife, but their first marriage was expected to be for life. Girls could marry at age 13, or when they reached puberty and boys marry at age 15. Marriage is a sign of responsibility for men. Men could also not take part in city council meetings until they were married. When a man wanted to marry a girl they gave a gift to her parents and her to prove he could support his wife. The gifts could be meat, fish, or wild plant foods. He could not marry her until he could prove himself a good provider for food and protection. The man also had to pay her parents a “bride-wealth” which some people think was like you had to pay for your bride. If her parents agreed they would sprinkle shell beads over the happy couple. His wife left her home to join her husband’s home, their kids lived with them too. They lived with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in the same house with the married couple and their children. Family was very important to them. They all took care of everyone and everything and they shared everything too. The birth of a baby was a very happy occasion.
Women have way more jobs then men. Women make mats, baskets platters, wooden spoons, pots, and way more. They also were barbers for men, they harvest corn and make it into bread, they carried all the stuff when their family was on the move that way men could shoot enemies or animals if they saw some. They made and owned the houses, they gathered firewood and kept the fire going at all times, they served and made the food. They helped visitors when they came, and they raised their children but for their reward, they got to keep all the money. Men only fish, hunt, and go to war. Men and women hardly ever did the same chores except they both cleared land for gardens and they both could also become chief of their tribe. Powhatans have community dances a lot, and no matter how hard the women worked, they usually always had some time and energy left for the dances.
Powhatans don’t live by clock time and the really don’t have high standards for how neat you are either. The Powhatans live a very similar but very different life from us.
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