Powhatan Clothing
The Powhatan had simple clothing but expressed most through body
paint and hair. Men would wear a breech-clout of skin worn between the
thighs. Higher class men would have shirts made out of deerskin and
turkey feathers. Chiefs (or werowances) would wear clothes decorated with
rare shell beads. Men would have half of their head shaved and the other
half growing long. Both women and men had their body’s painted with
special symbols. Both men and women also had tattoos and wore jewelry.
Shoes were only worn if you were going in the forest.
Women’s clothes were simple and not conservative. Women would
mostly wear an apron like skirt and higher class women’s skirts would be
made of deerskin. My sources disagree one says that women would not
wear shirts and only turkey feather coats and one says women would wear
woven or deerskin shirts. A young or un-married women would wear her
hair shaved on the sides and growing long in the back. A married women
wore their hair long and braided. Children wouldn’t wear clothes until about
seven or eight.
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